Koenma Fanart!

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A sad-looking Koenma...by Riisha-chan!

by Riisha


Koenma...by JM!

by J.M. aka Miaka


Koenmaart2.jpg (24484 bytes)

by Kermit the Frog


Koenma..by Venatic

by Venatic


Koenma with his arms crossed...by Venatic!

by Venatic


Koenma looking a bit cross...by Venatic

by Venatic

Koenma..by Kimbel

by Kimbell


Oh my God! Koenma killed Kenny! by Kimbel

by Kimbell



Koenma..by Liza

by Liza



Koenma...by Jack O. Trades

by Jack O. Trades


Koenma...by Luv Angel!

by Luv Angel



Koenma...by Jordana

by Jordana

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